Toolkit for Quake
Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso
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File List
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Quake Toolkit. SEP 1996. Walnut Creek CDROM.
Quake on a network utilities
path: \util\network
Name Size Date Description
============ ======== ======== =============
ipxfer40.zip 48704 03-17-96 IPXFER 4.00 Shareware release
jqcon.zip 13950 07-17-96 This is a WIN95 Utility for polling Quake
| servers and connecting to them.
magelink.zip 70939 03-10-96 MageLink - IPX File Transfer v1.17beta
pipxtd.zip 86878 03-09-96 Parallel-port IPX driver: play Quake (or any
| IPX network game) over parallel ports: works
| perfectly with Quake and Duke Nukem 3D
qcheck11.zip 94010 04-15-96 QuakeCheck 1.1 for Windows 95 Accepts the IP
| numbers of Quake severs and returns basic
| information about them.
qcntrlvt.gz 12391 07-07-96 qcontrol v0.02 README Mon Jul 8 09:41:37
| GMT+0800 1996
qconn_99.zip 26755 07-02-96 Qconnect .99 (c) Copyright Sean Allen and
| Enigma Software
qd091.zip 48938 06-25-96 Quake Modem FAQ and QD! - Quake
| Dialer/Termial! version 0.91
qd_b6.zip 48523 06-12-96 QD! - Quake Dialer/Termial! version 1.00.05a
qdprxytr.gz 1994 06-09-96 This is a Quake UDP server proxy, based on the
| ipx->udp proxy that was floating around. It
| works on Linux, Solaris 2 and probably any
| other recent UNIX. Run it on a machine which
| straddles your firewall, invoke it with the
| name of the server to proxy for, and have
| clients connect to the proxy.
qkeppp20.zip 424815 06-26-96 Running QUAKE NETWORK GAMES over a PPP
| Connection
qlr2_101.zip 73279 06-17-96 (QuakeLoader/ModemOnly version)
qpingtar.gz 4983 03-28-96 QuakePing 1.1 I started this little program so
| I could identify computers on our campus
| network running Quake servers. I realized that
| other people might find it useful, so I
| cleaned it up a bit and added more options.
qsniftar.gz 12532 03-12-96 Quake Packet Sniffer v0.3
qspan05.tgz 6717 06-08-96 QuakeSpan 0.5 Set up a Quake 'proxy' and
| redirect across IPX routers
qspy.zip 13199 07-11-96 Program to locate playable quake servers
qspy24is.zip 1266674 07-25-96 Quake Spy 2.4
qspy24rt.zip 604228 07-25-96 This file contains the MFC42.DLL and
| MSVCRT.DLL files that the QSPY24SA.ZIP is not
| packaged with.
qspy26sa.zip 26819 08-06-96 Quake Spy 2.6
qspyrt.zip 68720 07-18-96 Files needed to run qspy.zip
qstattar.z 33277 05-06-96 qstat shows if the listed hosts are running a
| Quake server. The hosts are either down,
| non-responsive, or running a server. For hosts
| running a server, the server name, map name,
| and current number of players is displayed.
qtcpvtar.gz 4063 05-31-96 qtcp displays information about a Quake server
| and the players on the map. qtcp connects to a
| server with qtcp-vn.mm as the player name,
| collects information from the server and
| disconnects.
quakeexp.zip 3203340 08-11-96 Quake Server Explorer - The Ultimate Internet
| Quake Launcher!
quakeexp.zip 3203340 08-11-96 Quake Server Explorer - The Ultimate Internet
| Quake Launcher!
quakenet.zip 1249108 07-31-96 A Win95 program that will make it very easy to
| connect to internet Quake servers.
quakeppp.zip 176574 06-12-96 Running QUAKE NETWORK GAMES over a PPP
| Connection
quarc02.zip 603282 08-06-96 a remote consolea remote console application
| for Quake.
qwatch02.zip 148804 07-05-96 Quake Watch v0.2
rift.zip 270683 08-13-96 Rift- Your Internet Assistant v 0.6
sirquake.zip 32693 07-07-96 Program for modem play in Quake